Supporting Priorities and Passion

Professional Advising and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses

Who We Are

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We provide small business owners peace of mind by maintaining up to date and accurate financial books. This gives them the ability to make the best financial decisions to help grow their business and to allow more time to spend doing the things they love to do.

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Hard Work

We believe in working hard with you and for you throughout the entire year to ensure your business is moving in the right direction. Our goal is to help you to have a growing, profitable business.

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Honesty means operating with integrity, transparency, and sincerity in all dealings. We will always communicate truthfully, fulfill our commitments, and be fair and ethical in all decision-making to build trust in our services.

Get your books done--without having to lift a finger!

How We Help

reasons to outsource for bookkeeping services

Struggling with Cash Flow?

Are you ready to gain freedom of both time AND money, but you can't seem to regain control? We can help you maintain a healthy work/life balance while also having a growing and more profitable business.

reasons to outsource for bookkeeping services

Wasting Time & Energy?

Are you worn out from the burden of dealing with expenses and bookkeeping? You can relax when you know that a professional bookkeeper who understands your small business is handling it all!

reasons to outsource for bookkeeping services

Is Your Hospital Healthy?

We know you provide high-quality care to your patients. But are you managing your expenses efficiently? Are you well diversified in different revenue streams to ensure a stable income flow? Are your hiring practices effective?

Find out how you can . . .

Pay Yourself What You Deserve!

Copyright © 2025 EF Bookkeeping for Veterinarians |

Micco, FL | (207) 557-0169

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